Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Inquiring Minds Want to Know 1 & 2 Essay

First and foremost for any case study, the reader must first understand what they are researching and why. Penton Media, a publisher of business trade magazines such as Industry Week, Machine Design, and Restaurant Hospitality, was the subject of this particular case study. Upon reading the case study on Penton Media, the reader learns that Penton Media has made great progress in the growth of their company through a six year period, 1992-1998, based on the research results provided. Ken Long, Penton Media’s Director, stated in 1998 that there was a growing belief that Penton Media was generating fewer services than in the past. In 1992, Penton Media was reaching out to their readers by having them request product information through mail, which back then, that form of communication was acceptable. However, as time elapsed, technology and communication advanced. By 1998, Penton Media was providing information requests through e-mail and websites. In this case study, the research results provided two different years, 1992 and 1997. The years that elapsed from 1992 to 1997 proved that there was a growth in response and response selections to the advertisements Penton Media provided, in the business magazines they publicized for. From reading the case study the reader can build the management-research question hierarchy. The first thing to identify is the management dilemma, which in this case is: Will Penton Media experience lower advertising revenues, if alternate methods of inquiry stimulation are sought, since companies do not track the source of their leads? Secondly, defining the management question, which is: Are there publications or magazines that are generating fewer leads now as opposed to the past years? Next, the reader must ask the research question(s), which is: Should Penton Media continue to include reader service cards in the magazines they advertise for, for readers to request additional information on companies, which in turn enhances advertisement and business for the companies listed? If not, what are the alternative advertising methods that are more technologically advanced that could be applied to boost advertising revenues? Upon defining the research question(s), the investigative que stions need to be identified throughout the case study. For this case, the investigative questions are: What are the percentages of readers/subscribers using the reader service cards currently in comparison to the years past? If there is a decline  detected in the usage of reader cards, what are the alternative methods that they are using to contact businesses and companies? Is there any way to implement different strategic means of these methods to enhance advertising revenue? After identifying the investigative questions, the management questions are the next step on the management-research question hierarchy. The management questions for this case include: Will Penton Media experience a decline in revenue due to the alternate methods of advanced advertising technology of customer inquiry stimulation? Penton Media will need to make a management decision is the last step for the hierarchy. In this case, Penton Media will need to decide whether to terminate the use of reader service cards in the magazines they advertise and replace the advertisements with alternate methods of advanced technology advertising. If they do decide to implement a more strategic technologically advanced method of advertisement, the readers and subscribers will be able to directly contact businesses and companies they are interested in on a present and current time schedule. After reading this case study, there are some ethical issues that are relevant to it. The most vital ethical issue that is presented in this case is the right to privacy, or confidentiality. Upon reading the case and the forms that are included to be sent to the readers and subscribers questioned and polled, it is read within the cover letter for the survey that â€Å"All individual responses will remain completely confidential, with answers combined and presented in statistical form only.† At the end of the cover letter Penton Media asks the selected person for the survey to correct or make any necessary changes to their mailing address, to ensure they would be in the random drawing for the handheld color television. Having that information in the survey is proof that Penton Media is aware of who is responding to which questions, regardless of privacy and confidentiality. Based upon the results they received, out of 710 participants, Penton Media only analyzed 676 surveys. Penton claims the reasoning behind only analyzing 676 surveys was due to the fact that those participants were purchase decision makers for their organization. From there, Penton Media stated that the standard deviation of the survey results they received was four, with a ninety-five percent level of confidence. Out of the 676 surveys analyzed, Penton Media did an in depth follow-up with only forty  participants. Given the information of how Penton Media conducted the entire survey process, it is possible there was more room for error than Penton anticipated. Penton Media’s research team runs the risk of their data results and information being inaccurate since all of the participants that responded didn’t have their answers considered for the research. References Cooper, D., Schindler, P. (2001). Business Research Methods: Cases: Inquiring Minds Want to Know – – Now!.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Briefly Explain the Idealist Approach to International Relations

Topic: Briefly explain the Idealist approach to International Relations. To get an insight of what realism and liberalism is all about four (4) questions must be asked and answered and before asking- What is Liberalism/Idealism? Those questions are: what is a theory? Why theories are necessary? What is hypothesis? And how many types of theories are there? All these questions will give basic knowledge about the three theories of international relations; but the topic sets a limit to how many theories to cover and that theory is liberalism/idealism. What is a theory? According to gavilan, a theory simplifies reality.It is a perspective which tells you where to look. A statement of cause and effect/outcome- what correlates? Why does this regularity occur? The cause and effect underlined above implies the independent or explanatory variable and dependent variable respectively. Why are theories necessary? (1) Too much information available to be able to process it without guidance about w hat is relevant or irrelevant. (2) No rational action without hypothesis about cause and effect. What is hypothesis? Every theory brings out hypothesis. A hypothesis is a testable implication of a theory. Evidence supports a theory but does not prove it.How many types of theories are there? There are three major theories; these theories are: Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism. Constructivism is divided into Marxism and Post- modernism and Post- structuralism. After knowing all these, the question- what is idealism/liberalism? Can be asked, but, due to the relation of liberalism/idealism with reciprocity principle the definition of collective goods problem should be stated. Collective good problem is how a group of nations serve the/its group interest or collective interest by doing so members to forfeit their individual interest.In other words, it is the problem of shared interest versus competing interest. It solves the problem of how to provide something that benefits every m ember regardless of what each member contribute. Idealism/liberalism: According to Goldstein et al, â€Å"like any other international relation theory has no general definition, but it sees the rules of IR as gradually evolving through time and becoming more passive- such advancement results chiefly from the gradual build up of international organizations and mutual cooperation (reciprocity) and secondarily from change in norms and public opinion (identity). The definition in the continuing note is in accord to gavilan â€Å"According to Kegley and Wittkopt (2006: pg28), ‘liberalism is known as a paradigm anticipated on hope that the appliance of reason and universal principles to international relations can lead to a more organizes, impartial, and cooperative world, and that international anarchy [lack of world government] ad war can be supervised by institutional reforms that empower international organizations and laws’† Liberal theories of IR try to explain how peace and cooperation are possible.It gives instances of how realism offers mostly the principle of dominance to solve the collective goods problems of IR, while it (idealism) draws its solution mostly on the reciprocity and identity principle. Assumptions of Liberalism/Idealism According to jefferyfields (n. d) [Online], the following are assumptions of idealism. 1. â€Å"Human nature is effectively good or humane: People are capable of mutual aid and collaboration through reason and ethically inspired education. † Jefferyfields (n. d) [Online] 2. â€Å"The fundamental human concern for others’ welfare makes progress possible. jefferyfields (n. d) [Online] 3. â€Å"Bad human behaviour, such as violence, is the product not of flawed people but of evil institutions that encourage people to act selfishly and to harm others. † jefferyfields (n. d) [Online] 4. â€Å"War and international anarchy are not inevitable and war’s frequency can be reduced by s trengthening the institutional arrangements that encourage its disappearance. † jefferyfields (n. d) [Online] 5. â€Å"War is a global problem requiring collective or multilateral, rather than national, efforts to control it. jefferyfields (n. d) [Online] 6. â€Å"Reforms must be inspired by a compassionate ethical concern for the welfare and security of all people, and this humanitarian motive requires the inclusion of morality in statecraft. † jefferyfields (n. d) [Online] 7. â€Å"International society must reorganize itself in order to eliminate the institutions that make war likely, and states must reform their political systems so that self-determination and democratic governance within states can help pacify relations among states. † jefferyfields (n. d) [Online]Prisoners Dilemma Giving an example of two prisoners who are incarcerated; noting that they are meeting for the first time- the options given to them would either be to turn on each other or coope rate with each other. The two prisoners are likely to turn on each other or not cooperate with each other because of the condition of their meeting. The given example displays the nature of countries in the international system when approached with similar problem or decision. The self protecting nature of states renders cooperation impractical.This is in line with the prisoners who decline to cooperate with one another because they either do not trust one another or want to protect their interest. Conclusion In conclusion, the international relation theory called liberalism is an argument against the realist view. According to Goldstein et al (2012 pg86)A, if dominance solution is offered mostly by the realist or realism to solve the collective goods problems of I. R. , alternative theories draw mostly on the reciprocity and identity principles. These theories are more optimistic than realism about the prospect of peace.Goldstein et al (2012 pg86)B said, â€Å"realist see the law of power politics as relatively timeless and unchanging, while liberal theorists view I. R. rules as gradually evolving through time and becoming more peaceful- such advancement results chiefly from the gradual build up of international organizations and mutual cooperation (reciprocity) and secondarily from change in norms and public opinion (identity). Liberal theory among others holds that we are not doomed to a country of recurring war but can achieve a more peaceful world. † In addition, in accord with Goldstein et al (2012 pg86) liberal theory eviews domestic politics and foreign policy making, unlike realism, which places importance on domestic and individual levels of analysis in explaining state behaviour. All this display the peaceful nature/motive of the liberal theorist. BIBLOGRAPHY Goldstein, S. J. Pevehouse, J. C. (2012) International Relations (Tenth Edition) United States: Pearson. http://hhh. gavilan. edu/mturetzky/pols4/TheoreticalPerspectivesLiberalismRealism . htm http://jeffreyfields. net/427/Site/Blog/3C90C230-B47B-4894-8E8E-F4C5078BDD88_files/Rourke-Realism,%20Liberalism,%20Constructivism. pdf http://www. princeton. edu/~amoravcs/library/preferences. pdf

Monday, July 29, 2019

Amyloid Hypothesis of Alzheimer Disease

Alzheimer’s disease affects the brain as a result of a regenerative disorder. This then causes loss in memory, thinking and alteration in behavior patterns and is regarded as the largest cause of dementia cases. The patients who are suffering from this disease require the provision of services from resource rich health facilities (Pohanka, 2014). The most affected population is the elderly people although a small proportion of young people are also affected by Alzheimer’s disease. This paper therefore explores alzehaimers disease amyeloid hypothesis in respect to the progress towards the development of treatment options. The amyloid hypothesis argues that when the amyloid beta peptides occur in the brain tissues, they lead to the development of the Alzheimer’s disease. This peptide cause autosomal forms of mutations in three regions namely: presenelin 1, 2 and the amyeloid precursor proteins. The association between this disease and amyloid beta peptide was upon the examination of brain where plaques were found (Selkoe and Hardy, 2016). Therefore, the amyloid cascade provides an explanation to the process via which the Alzheimer’s disease occurs. These include the genetic causes via mutations, phenotypes and pathology as well as the risks involved. There have been therapeutic drugs produced to target this peptide so as to lower its levels of production. This is expected to cause a clearance in the amounts and levels of amyloid beta protein which in turn should reduce the aggregation of peptides to form plaques. However, it is not clear on the amount of the amyloid peptide which is found in the brain. Something that needs to be noted is that the amyloid beta peptides are the primary components of the neurotic plaques in the brain tissues of the patients who have Alzheimer’s disease. This is due to the fact that different parts of the brain can carry different amounts of the amyloid peptide and the Alzheimer’s disease is normally heterogeneous (Drachman, 2014). Another close association between this peptide and this disease is from the cloning of the gene which encodes beta amyloid precursor protein as well as its location in the chromosome number 21. Moreover, it has been found that Down’s syndrome leads to the neuropathology of Alzheimer’s disease. With time, the genetic mutations in the amyloids precursor protein have be found to be a key factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Since the amyloid beta peptide has been found to be usual product of the metabolism in beta amyloid precursor protein in a person’s life, it can be meas ured by use of a culture medium, plasma and cerebrospinal fluid. This measures whether there are any abnormalities which result from the beta amyeloid precursor proteins (Morris et al., 2014). However, recently there have been objections raised against the amyloid hypothesis. One of the objections is that the number of amyloid deposits in the brain tissues does not correlate with the level of cognitive impairments that develops in a patient. In another way, the amyloid hypothesis brings objections since the neurotoxic effects of the amyloid peptide and the effects to the brain have not been studied in vivo. It is also evident that the soluble oligomers of amyloid peptide are responsible for the dysfunction in the brain as opposed the amyloid monomers in Alzheimer’s disease patients. These and many other objections support a reasoning that the neurodegeneration of the brain in Alzheimer’s disease is caused by the injury from some diffused oligomeric assemblage of misfolded proteins (Demetrius et al., 2015). As a result of this, the large polymeric aggregates make the inactive reservoirs which are equal to the neurotoxic assembly. On the other hand, the plaques in the brain do not necessarily indicate protection to the host. This is because the observation of these plaques in neurodegenerative diseases means that the reservoir of toxic proteins has occurred in the brain. Experiments involving transgenic mice in which the amyloid beta proteins were deposited in the brain did not indicate any loss in the cognitive abilities. This unexpected behavior by the transgenic mice could be due to differences in the species used, lack of human inflammation mediators and the short period of exposure of mice to the amyloid beta peptide. Since the Alzheimer’s disease is as a result of lack of balance between the deposition and the clearance of amyloid beta peptides, then there is a need to get treatment strategies for this disorder. One of the approaches would be the inhibition of either the beta or the gamma secretase enzymes which are crucial for the formation of beta amyloids and amyloid precursor proteins (Doody et al., 2014). For the beta secretase, there are some screening which is being done for a chemical compound to find out whether it can be able to bind on the active site of aspartyl protease and hence cross the blood brain barrier. For the gamma secretase, there are chemical compounds which have already been found but no clinical trials have been done on humans yet. However, it would be advisable to adopt more different treatment approached for the amyloid beta associated Alzheimer’s disease since the previously proposed strategies have some limitations (Karakaya et al., 2013). For instance a different approach that can be used would involve the use of immunization strategies. The most recommended immunization methods would involve the use of amyloid beta proteins in the cerebral so that they can lower the amounts of peptide clearance from the brain (Aisen and Vellas, 2013). A kind of different approach would involve the use of anti-inflammatory methods and drugs to aid in the clearance of the amyloid beta proteins in brain tissues. The use of the anti-inflammatory methods is recommendable because it has been found that as the amyloid proteins accumulate in brain tissues, the rate of inflammatory process increases. For a long period of time, the hypothesis concerning the association of amyloid beta proteins and the Alzheimer’s disease has been investigated. This calls for the development of therapeutic strategies based on the anti-amyloid beta peptides. In order to get treatment options for this disease. The treatment therapeutics needs to be closely based on the various characteristics that are observed in the amyloid peptides with respect to Alzheimer’s disease. By the adoption of various methods of treatment involving amyloid precursor protein gene cloning, the scientific world will find out whether there is an association between the amyloid beta protein hypothesis and the Alzheimer’s disease. Aisen, P.S. and Vellas, B., 2013. Passive immunotherapy for Alzheimer's disease: what have we learned, and where are we headed?. The journal of nutrition, health & aging, 17(1), p.49. Demetrius, L.A., Magistretti, P.J. and Pellerin, L., 2015. Alzheimer's disease: the amyloid hypothesis and the Inverse Warburg effect. Frontiers in physiology, 5, p.522. Doody, R.S., Thomas, R.G., Farlow, M., Iwatsubo, T., Vellas, B., Joffe, S., Kieburtz, K., Raman, R., Sun, X., Aisen, P.S. and Siemers, E., 2014. Phase 3 trials of solanezumab for mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease. New England Journal of Medicine, 370(4), pp.311-321. Drachman, D.A., 2014. The amyloid hypothesis, time to move on: Amyloid is the downstream result, not cause, of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 10(3), pp.372-380. Karakaya, T., Fußer, F., Schroder, J. and Pantel, J., 2013. Pharmacological treatment of mild cognitive impairment as a prodromal syndrome of Alzheimer's disease. Current neuropharmacology, 11(1), pp.102-108. Morris, G.P., Clark, I.A. and Vissel, B., 2014. Inconsistencies and controversies surrounding the amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease. Acta neuropathologica communications, 2(1), p.135. Pohanka, M., 2014. Alzheimer s disease and oxidative stress: a review. Current medicinal chemistry, 21(3), pp.356-364. Selkoe, D.J. and Hardy, J., 2016. The amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease at 25 years. EMBO molecular medicine, 8(6), pp.595-608.Trt

Masculinity in Paul Laurence Dunbar's The Sport of the Gods Essay

Masculinity in Paul Laurence Dunbar's The Sport of the Gods - Essay Example Regardless of race, class or even geographic location, Dunbar presents the white men’s model of masculinity as the only embodiment of manhood. Responsibility represents an important aspect of masculinity the novel points out. This responsibility requires men to be heads of households and take care of their family. In fact, the South expects its men to be strong and hardworking in order to manage and secure their family needs. For instance, Maurice Oakley, a white man who owns a plantation, believes in this principle and urges his employees to follow his example. Married to Leslie Oakley, a docile and obedient woman who respects her southern values, Mr. Oakley fully plays his role. He especially encourages Berry Hamilton, his butler, to get married: It is then possible to see how Oakley's desire for Berry to find a wife (as he has found one) necessitates that Berry find a wife that is like his, one that embodies the role of an "appropriate" wife and has the disposition that wil l allow Berry to be the head of the household--or in this case, the house in the back of the "big house." Ultimately, Oakley wants Berry to become a black version of himself within the constraints of his own household. (Tsemo) Mr. Oakley wants his servant to marry a woman who will obey and respect him so that he can become a head of household. As the landlord, he urges his employees to follow his steps. When Berry Hamilton marries Fannie, he fulfills Mr. Oakley’s wish and becomes himself a head of household with all the responsibilities and expectations involved. Even though the two households differ because of the social status involved, both men exercise some authority over their wives. Despite their different racial and class background, their southern roots grant them power over their wives who also accept and even expect such role. Mr. Oakley and Berry not only share this privilege their gender grants them over their wives but they also share the same values. Born and ra ised in the South, they believe in the same set of principles and rules of conduct. Berry even raises his children, Joe and Kit, to respect and cherish these values as they grow up. Already a hardworking and trustworthy servant, Berry emulates his employer in his deed, actions and values (Tsemo). Despite their different social status, Berry even tries to follow Oakley’s economic principles by putting aside some money after his family expenses have been met. This economic organization allows him to live decently and save his family from need compared to other black men struggling to survive. This mild success costs him the envy and jealousy of the African American community that accuses him to imitate white people’s way of life. Even though both Oakley and Berry share the patriarchal powers they believe in, some of Oakley’s beliefs will ultimately cause Berry’s destruction. Accused of stealing money from Oakley’s cabinet, Berry is sentenced to 10 ye ars of prison. He therefore loses his head of household status as he leaves his helpless wife and children. This arrest affects his dignity, his reputation and even his manhood. The Southern Values he so much believes in fail to protect and save him and actually makes him an easy target for the accusation. Despite his 20 years of devoted and loyal service to Oakley, his race and class render him a suspect of a crime he did not commit. Convinced of his innocence, the loss of his freedom comes as a surprise.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Offshoring And Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Offshoring And Outsourcing - Essay Example Once the operation is outsourced to a given service provider, they will take the responsibility of conducting the operation and maintaining the management assets.When a company offshores, it just shifts the location of production or a service abroad. Examples of such are companies who outsource to foreign companies - for instance, Wal-Mart offshores production lines of a certain part of Chinese firms. Likewise, offshoring also refers companies who transfer specific lines of products or services to a location abroad without outsourcing the job. When a company offshores, it just shifts the location of production or a service abroad. Examples of such are companies who outsource to foreign companies - for instance, Wal-Mart offshores production lines of a certain part of Chinese firms. Likewise, offshoring also refers companies who transfer specific lines of products or services to a location abroad without outsourcing the job. Most of the times a company may never handle all aspects of organization's process internally or times they lack capacities to do so thus the need to outsource. Moreover, some processes are temporary, and the company may not intend to hire in-house experts to perform the tasks. These are some of the considerations including concerns for the economic accusation of labor and cost of production generally. For instance, instead of Wal-Mart paying more to acquire labor and raw material in a Specific line of production, they would rather outsource in China and in the long run obtain more gains.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Triple entry accounting and financial statements Assignment

Triple entry accounting and financial statements - Assignment Example Today many companies often use statements from previous periods or years in order to project the likely outcomes of current finances. This method is not always accurate. Triple-entry accounting is intended to provide predictive accounting that is more accurate than basing results solely on previous outcomes.(Henke)The process of triple-entry accounting is a complex process. It is believed that these methods may be able to predict the future of the business and, even allow, for unforeseen expenditures and happenings. The intention of the triple-entry accounting is to give businesses a clearer view of financial earnings based on an equation that takes into consideration the past, present and future; not just historical data.(Henke)This could be considered a great improvement over current financial statement methodology. Essentially the articulation of the four relevant financial statements simply means that the numbers in the statements among all the statements provided are in agreement with one another. However, there is a lot that goes along with that simple definition The four statements that need to articulate properly are the balance sheet, income statement, Statement of Stockholder Equity, and the Statement of Cash Flow. The balance sheet, is divided into three sections: assets, liabilities, and stockholders’ equity, provides the information concerning the available resources the resources to management and any claims against those resources by present creditors and shareholders. ("Cambridge Publications") All the gains and losses are recorded and then transferred to the income sheet as necessary. The Stockholders Equity reflects the all of the financing provided by the company’s owners. The stockholders hold a claim on residual interest which is accrued via, common stock, prefe rred stock, treasury stock, retained earnings, additional paid capital, any other accumulated income or loss. the statement of cash flows provides

Friday, July 26, 2019

Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Project Management - Essay Example It has been defined as â€Å"the achievement of project objectives through people and involving the organisation, planning and control of resources assigned to the project† (Harrison & Lock, 2004, p. 6). However, one can trace the ideology or roots of project management to the earliest human civilisations. The Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Roman Colosseum, and others are few examples from ancient civilisations where these early project managers, mostly, officials of the kingdom and the monarchy, handled projects according to the practices of that time (Loosemore, 2003, p. 352). Today, project management has emerged as an indispensable aspect of modern business management due to changing work environment and dynamics of the modern day business era. In this competitive business world of the 21st century, individuals within an organisation are expected to perform their formal job responsibilities, as well as many projects that go hand in hand with their position and duties (Walker, 2007, p. 183). Thus, there was a need for innovation within the business world, which resulted in a matrix organisational structure, one that is still being used in various leading businesses around the world. The principle of this structure is to create harmony between demands of project managers and line managers (Frigenti & Comninos, 2002, p. 25). Much of the literature regarding project management discusses three main constraints faced by project managers; time, cost and quality, which are often referred to as the â€Å"iron triangle† principle. The role of the project manager is to create a balance between these three factors in any project. This paper attempts to discuss the application of these constraints on the project of construction of Hindhead Tunnel that began in the first month of 2007 and ended in the summer of 2011. Furthermore, the paper will briefly discuss aspects of managing risks, managing costs and managing hu man resources, which are the three main factors that contribute to success of the projects out of the nine elements contained in the project management body of knowledge (Lewis, 2010, p. 169). Discussion Considering the importance and scope of this project, it was imperative for the project managers to ensure that they make the right trade-off between the constraints of cost, quality, and time. Quite understandably, if the project managers had focused all of their attention on reducing costs and meeting the deadlines, they would have compromised much of the quality or performance factors, something that is not acceptable when it comes to constructing a high profile tunnel, which would be used by millions of people every month (Meredith & Mantel, 2008, p. 49). In the same manner, too much focus on reducing costs and meeting the quality standards would have eventually led to the situation where the project would have failed to meet deadlines since it would need more time to use the re sources effectively and efficiently. Lastly, the project managers could have lost sight of their budget if they had start placing too much importance on meeting deadlines and maintaining the quality (Walker, 2007, p. 183). They would have to hire more experienced and skilled workers at higher pays to motivate them to work harder, quicker and better, something that would compound the costs associated with the project (Wysocki, 2011, p. 74). Thus, as these

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Paid Employment and Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Paid Employment and Identity - Essay Example According to Kirpal (2011), the company and occupational categories are the source of work-related identity formation processes. Employees form identities as they engage in their job and as they interact with their colleagues and customers giving them a source of commitment, motivation and effective job performance (217). People are also judged according to the work they do rather than who they are and a result people are in continuous search for the right job which brings meaning into their lives. This depends on what individuals view as meaningful work to them and the community as a whole. The question that begs an answer then is what constitutes meaningful work? Klein (2008) observes that content and meaning of work for individuals evolves as technological and economic circumstances change thus making it difficult to find meaning in work and form identities. This paper will explore how paid employment affects identity based on the contextual nature of identity. Identity Identity i s defined by Goffman (1959) as an impression management where we monitor all aspects of behaviour of people we encounter. Identity is therefore like a theatrical performance where actors try to convince the audience that their actions are real when in reality they are not authentic. Actors thus identify the things to be taken into account, act on basis of these identifications and attempt to fit their actions with others in the situation (Burke, 2006). Just like in performances, the actors in society have roles to play and they attach meanings which are derived from culture or from own understanding to themselves while performing the roles. However, the individuals must negotiate meanings derived from own understanding with others who have different views such that self meanings correspond to role behaviour. For example, in a work setting if the role of the worker means service to others, then the worker’s actions or behaviour should match the meaning by attending to customer s needs promptly. Jensen (2011 p. 163), defines identity as â€Å"a process of recognizing and being recognized by those who count.† The nature of identity in this case is relational as individuals try to distinguish themselves from others. For example, in a work situation an individual tries to identify himself by distinguishing himself from non-work situation therefore an individual constitutes his context of development. Jensen also acknowledges that individuals have various identity options which vary across cultural contexts but the individual has to explore the most convenient identity from the available options and make a decision to adopt the chosen identity. According to Goffman (1959), choosing the right option requires negotiation with the other pathways available. For example, people can negotiate on the requirements to fill a certain position or occupation hence set a criterion for identifying with that option. In traditional societies, options were limited as ch ildren followed the path of their parents through apprenticeship hence identified with parent’s occupation. For example, a child from a poor background or uneducated parents was also not educated hence ended in same occupation as parents. However, Rehn (2009) acknowledges that children learn differently from adults and should not be ignored as they also form a

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Explaining Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Explaining Crime - Essay Example Deprived individuals are depressed, frustrated, and go through anxiety attacks predisposing them to be involved in robbery. Such findings are consistent with the interpretation of Bethune (2011) where she indicated that underprivileged individuals steal to keep up with people they view as privileged who could always have things they desire. Their frustration to acquire their necessities or wants is achieved through stealing thus Bethune further stated that stolen items could be a mixture of must have and desired items and not only in the form of money. Unfortunately, thieves view stealing as their â€Å"relief mechanism† without considering its consequences. Bethune also revealed Kleptomania as another reason for theft which is not uncommon to thieves. Kleptomania is the irresistible impulse to steal so that they would lift even small things they could afford to buy. Such psychological disorder is also discussed in the articles by NASP (2006) where kleptomania is viewed as a r elief phenomenon of an underlying mental conflict. Another interesting reason Bethune pointed out as a contributory factor to robbery is how we live our life. Individuals spending for jewelries, clothing, and travel beyond their financial means may commit robbery to be able to maintain their lifestyle. Others who are involved in drugs and alcohol likewise rob to sustain their addiction to such substances. Since drugs are expensive whether in small or large quantity, fund is very important to maintain the supply. Several news reports had indicated the proliferation of robbery related to drugs. The case of Rogers who was arrested of robbery with possession of cocaine and amphetamines proves that people who choose to maintain illicit pastime are involved in robbery (Everly, 2003). A separate case of robbery found to be likewise associated with drug is the case of two people who were arrested and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What were the main economic and institutional differences between the Term Paper

What were the main economic and institutional differences between the studio system of the 1930s and 1940s and 'new Hollywood' post-1975 - Term Paper Example 20). A lot of talent was drained from western countries and the Hollywood nurtured that talent by providing them lucrative benefits and rich culture. The staring era of films in the Hollywood was the era of silent movies and the messages were delivered by the body language, sounds, and the sequence and some time running the text on the screen. However, the economic, technological and institutional transformation occurred around the world revolutionized cinematic activities and Hollywood witnessed major changes in the studio system during different eras. ... Some of the movies are inspired by the true events and some of them are inspired by the fabricated plots, fictions and the legends. Classical Era Types of the movies in the classical era (classical studio) As it seems clear by the name that the classical movies had class, these movies were based on the Fictional and real plots. Irrespective of the time frame, both the movies based on the idealism and realism has been presented and has become hit on the box office. The combination of the real situation has also been used in some movies like the De Vinci Code (2006) and it has been done irrespective of the time frame. Either the classical movies or the modern movies both have been reflecting the contemporary culture in their entities but the difference is the time, so understanding the difference of time can put a light on the above mentioned criteria of the question. The classical era had many glamorous stars which provided synergies to the film industry of that super glamorous era, a nd the faith killing beauties were cast with the support of solid stories. The beautiful faces were not the only criteria there, but the strong script was the trade mark of that era which is still believed as the golden era of the film industry Solid plots with strong theme and story Both Gone with the Wind (1939) and The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939) were based on the bestselling novels and both movies were released in the same years. The 1930-40 was an era when the cream of best writer, directors and actors were coming there and it was a heaven for them (Chaplin, 2003, p. 91). A good work was immediately noticed in the Hollywood, and the feasibilities were made for them to release films on them. The industrialization affected the film industry and the base for

Ernest Hemingways novels Essay Example for Free

Ernest Hemingways novels Essay Ernest Hemingway is an author well known for the common themes in his novels. In his style of writing, Hemingway is able to express the themes of the novel through strong character traits and actions. The common themes in Hemingways novel The Sun Also and A Farewell to Arms are death and loss. The characters in these novels, and many of Hemingways other novels, can relate to these themes. The novels The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell to Arms share many similarities. These of course include the themes of death and loss. The common themes are supported by the war setting in A Farewell to Arms and the post-war setting in The Sun Also Rises. Both novels take place in Europe approximately in the 1920s. Jake Barnes is the main character of The Sun Also Rises and he is struggling through life after having experienced some trauma during the war. Frederic Henry, the protagonist of A Farewell to Arms must make the choice of staying in the army or abandoning his fellow troops to be with his girlfriend. Both novels explore the hardships of love, war, and death.The wound, the break from society, and the code are subjects of Hemingways work (Young 6). These three events are critical in Hemingways novels The Sun Also and A Farewell to Arms. The Wound represents just that, a wound. It can be a physical, mental, or an emotional wound always occurring in the storys protagonist. This relates to the theme of loss because the characters wound is always a loss they suffer. The loss can be physical, for example if the character is injured and loses a body part (which is common in the war settings Hemingway typically uses). The loss can also be emotional, for example if the main character loses a loved one and becomes depressed. In The Sun Also Rises, Jake has been injured in the war and feels like less of a man because he is physically unable to make love to a woman (Magnum 4). This injury leaves Jake psychologically and morally lost. In A Farewell to Arms the main character, Frederic Henry, is wounded in his leg while serving in the war as an ambulance driver in Italy. Jake and Frederics mental and emotional conditions lead to the next part of the Hemingway code; the break from society. The break from society is the next key element in Hemingways work. This disassociation with society is a result of the main characters injury or loss. The character will separate himself from society to cope with his loss. Jakes life has become empty and he fills his time with drinking and dancing. Jake enjoys his life by learning to get your moneys worth and knowing when you had it. (Magnum 4) Another break from society is shown in the story Big Two- Hearted River by Hemingway. The main character, Nick Adams, has experienced a loss. Death has occurred; not literal human death, but death of the land (Magnum 3) which has been destroyed by fire. The fire has consumed and burned all the vegetation surrounding the home where Nick grew up. Nick suffers from the shock of the devastation to the land. He had recalled so many boyhood memories of hunting and fishing on the land where he grew up. Nick goes back into the wilderness on his own to get away form the pain he has suffered. A break from society is a key aspect in Hemingways work that adds to the common themes among his novels. The wound and the break from society lead up to the last key element, the Hemingway Code (Young 8). The code is what Hemingway uses in his novels to show how the character is dealing with the wound and the break from society. For example, in The Sun Also Rises, Jake is dealing with his loss by going out and spending his money on drinks and dancing because this is the only way he can enjoy himself. He cannot fall in love so this is what he does instead to fill the missing gap in his life. He also gets his moneys worth by sending pointless short telegrams to his friends, symbolizing his careless nature. A Farewell to Arms contains another example of the code. Frederic is searching for meaning in life while he is surrounded by death during the war. He chooses not to fill his life with religion or pleasure because these things are meaningless to him. Instead Frederic abandons the Italian Army to be with his girlfriend Catherine, whom he plans to marry. Loving Catherine is the only way Frederic can bring happiness to his life after facing the hardships of war. The subjects of Hemingways work in A Farewell to Arms and The Sun Also Rises are similar, and can relate to the main themes of other works by Hemingway. The themes of death and loss apply to the characters of these  novels. Death occurs often during the wars which take place in both novels. Jake was wounded in a war, and Frederic is currently fighting in a war. Both have suffered a psychological loss which leaves them struggling to bring meaning to their lives. In Big Two Hearted River Nick suffers from the loss of the land. Hemingway has created all of these characters to show weaknesses which result from their losses. That is why each character suffers from the loss they experience. Like Jake, Frederic Henry is wounded in the war and falls in love with a woman.(Magnum 6). These characters suffer losses from the war and soon suffer losses in love. We could have had such a damned good time together, (Hemingway 115) Lady Ashley states after accepting that Jake will never be able to love her. Like Jake, Frederic loses his lover, The arms to which Frederic must finally say farewell are those of Catherine, who dies in childbirth ( Magnum 7) The major differences in the novels The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell to Arms do not occur in the themes of the novels but instead the characters personalities and actions. For example Jake is considered the lost and hopeless character. He spends his time out and about with his friends touring the countryside, drinking, dancing and having a good time. He has lost all his morals and goes about freely without a care in the world. Hemingway had created Frederic as the complete opposite of Jake. He takes a stand for what he believes in and does what he thinks is right. Frederic is faced with, and overcomes, tough decisions during desperate war-filled times. Unlike Jake, he is rational and thinks out his decisions. Although theses characters have opposing personalities they will both encounter the same problem throughout the novels. Both Jake and Frederic experience hardships and internal conflict in The Sun Also and A Farewell to Arms. Jake is in conflict with himself over the love of a woman named Lady Brett Ashley. This is the woman Jake wants to fall in love with but he knows this will never be possible because of his war wound. Jake gives up his hope of finding love by introducing Lady Brett to one of his friends who she falls in love with and plans to marry. The marriage is broken off when a fight breaks out which is caused by Lady Bretts desire to be romantic with several other men. The novel ends right where it began,  with Brett and Jake trapped in hopeless love for each other, (Nagel 108). Frederics internal conflict is similar to that of Jakes. He is lost and confused over the love for his girlfriend, Catherine and his service in the military. After learning Catherine has become pregnant and his troops abandon him, Frederic makes the decision to desert the army and follow his heart. Frederic suffers from the most pain when Catherine dies giving birth. He realized that the love he shared, to try and bring meaning to his life, causes him even more pain when Catherine dies. The internal conflict of both Jake and Frederic leave them faced with tough decisions which affect the way they live ad love. Hemingway has used the character relationship of love and a setting with an atmosphere of war to build on his major themes. The characters were wounded in the war and suffer from the loss of loved ones. Death is used figuratively to describe the emotions and morality of Hemingways characters. Hemingways themes of death and loss are seen through his character portrayal in his novels. Work Cited Coleman, Janice. Ernest Hemingway The World Book Encyclopedia. Hartford, CT: Paddon Publishing, 1992. Hemingway, Ernest. A Farewell To Arms. New York, NY: Charles Scribners Sons, 1929. Hemingway, Ernest. The Sun Also Rises. New York, NY: Charles Scribners Sons, 1926. Magnum, Bryant. Introduction to the Novels of Ernest Hemingway Critical Survey Of Long Fiction. Salem Press Inc. 2000. Nagel, James. Ernest Hemingway. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Volume 9. New York: Gale Research Company, 1981. Stanton, William. 20th Century Novelists. Sacramento, CA: Bantum Books, 1984. Young, Phillip. Ernest Hemingway American Writers: A Collection of Literary Biographies. Volume II. New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1974

Monday, July 22, 2019

John Donne Essay Example for Free

John Donne Essay A text is essentially a product of its context, as its prevailing values are inherently derived by the author from society. However, the emergence of post-modern theories allows for audience interpretation, thus it must be recognised that meaning in texts can be shaped and reshaped. Significantly, this may occur as connections between texts are explored. These notions are reflected in the compostion of Edson’s W;t and Donne’s poetry as their relationship is established through intertextual references, corresponding values and ideas and the use of language features. Edson particularly portrays key values surrounding the notions of the importance of loved based relationships, and death and resurrection: central themes of Donne’s Holy Sonnets and Divine Poems. The purpose of these authors distinctly correlate as each has attempted to provide fresh insight into the human condition by challenging prevalent ideals. Thus, Edson incorporates Donne’s work to illuminate both explicit and implicit themes, creating an undeniable condition. Prior to John Donnes Judeo Christian conversion he believed that life was only fulfilling if shared with another individual. He conveyed in his pre-conversion poems and stressed the power and importance of love to a persons well being and existence. Donne contrives the idea that love must not be a Dull Sublunary lovers love, rather a relationship where two souls are one, a love, he explores his conceit, so strong it can stretch like gold to aery thinness. His geometrical conceit explains that relationships Shine here to us, and thou art everywhere; This bed thy centre is, these walls, thy sphere. During the 17th century everything revolved around the sun, saying that lovers went against it was seen as going against the, thus showing how vital relationships are to human existence. The medium of a play allows us to a different view on how important love is one lifes, and what is to be lost with its absence Donnes values according to lifes meaning and relationships are reworked by Margaret Edson within W;t. Vivian Bearing is constructed to reflect the secular view point, preferring research to humanity, the motif Edson creates in Bearing as she misses the point Donne makes about relationships, seeking instead to be making a significant contribution to knowledge. Bearing does not mind the lack of relationship she has, correcting Susie she has none, to be precise, distinctively juxtaposing Donnes views on relationships and their importance. Bearing reflect the individualism of the estern culture when she is distinguishing the [herself] in illness facing the world alone. However Bearing reflects how after many years with being uncomfortable with kindness she wishes her doctor would take more interest in personal contact. The implicit connections Edison portrays between an orange two stick Popsicle shared between Bearing and Susie, and Donnes twin compass displays Bearings recognition of the importance relationships should play in life. Edison challenges secular humanists through her textual construction of dialogue and motifs to question the importance relationships play in order for a meaningful life to be attained. The existential question of what lies after death is one that writes have pondered for years. Donne explicitly demonstrates his battle with this concept and his beliefs about theology, death and afterlife after he is converted to his Judeo Christian faith. Death was not easy to ignore in the 17th century as executions and daily mortuary carts attributed to the fear and awareness of death. His compliant tone throughout his poetry clearly indicates that he feels that he feels some degree of confidence that God will accept his soul into heaven, evident when he apostrophises death to be not proud, though some have called thee mighty and dreadful, that death should not be feared as it is a rest and sleep till the forgiven wake eternally. A possible passage through the American continent to the indies was earnestly being explored just as the poets body was probably being probed and prodded to seek enlightenment or a successful path. This analogy is made clear by the clever extended pun on straits as both a trade route and a personal dilemma. They are itemised so that the link is not missed for the Western Sea, to which all the straits led, also represents death and entry into the next life: So death doth touch the Resurrection Likewise to John Donne, Edison engages with the concept of death and what, if anything comes after it. While Bearing does not openly ponder what comes after death in the play, she is tangibly struggling with the fear of death. Her own feelings are mirrored by Donnes If poisnous minerals is shown through her analysis. In her analysis she says, Donne finds Gods forgiveness hard to believe, so he crawls under a rock to hide. Rather than trust Gods mercy I want to hide. I just want to curl up into a little ball. Donnes poem If Poisonous Minerals has a direction relationship to the The Runaway Bunny read by Bearing in her childhood. It provides for her an allegory for Gods mercy allowing her to find solace, No matter where it hides, God will find it. Where Donne presents this same allegory in a complex manner, the book is simple. Bearing is redeemed and able to die peacefully with this understanding of compassion. It is in the final scene that Edson reshapes Donnes ideas on eternity and resurrection of the play with bearings humanistic post-modern sight. Donne, in his Judeo Christian context, prepares himself for God to take his soul into heaven, whereas the humanistic post-modern understanding of the resurre ction that Bearing obtains brings an end to her suffering an pain when the lights out.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Process Of Time Management Education Essay

The Process Of Time Management Education Essay CHAPTER 1 From an article in Wikipedia, titled Time Management, time management is the process of planning the best way to organize the things that you need and want to do so that you can accomplish them all. Time management refers to a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals. This set encompasses a wide scope of activities, and these include planning, allocating, setting goals, delegation, analysis of time spent, monitoring, organizing, scheduling, and prioritizing. Many people sometimes forget about that successful people all manage time well. They value every second of their time, and always make sure that none of it is wasted. In order to be successful, time management is important because students must balance their time wisely among many commitments such as classes, study time, family, friends, and possibly employment. If time is not managed properly, it is easy for students to put off the important tasks or project and concern only on favour activities. Procrastination most likely to happen when there is the least of time management. From an article in Wikipedia, titled Procrastination, procrastination refers to the deferment of actions or tasks to a later time. Psychologists often cite such behavior as a mechanism for coping with the anxiety associated with starting and/or completing any task or decision. It affects most students at some stage of their studies. They attempt to escape doing a specific task that full with boredom. However, the task which is not getting started can make you feeling stress and ultimately panic in which it will influence students academic performance. The way to overcome this is to break down each task into small sub tasks. A schedule can help you dedicate appropriate time to each sub task. Students have to maintain productivity and concentration by scheduling difficult tasks during the most productive work time. Students can use their study time wisely and balance other commitments by having a proper designed and organized schedule. How to design and put on a task into a schedule are the key terms. Consider investing some time into learning how to go about doing this. Students can invest the time upfront and get back the dividend by getting setup a weekly schedule. Thus, students will find the goals and objectives that they have set are achievable. 1.2 Statement of Problem University life is full of challenges. Most of the FPPSM students find it hard to balance their studies, campus activities, work and sport. Furthermore, students always complaint that they are unable to study and do assignment till last minutes. This will lead to poor academic performance. Sometimes, they spend too much time for leisure activities and left their assignments behind their mind. All these problems arise because most of the students do not manage their time properly. So, it is important to know how FPPSM students manage their time to keep a balanced perspective on all areas associated with university life. Most of the FPPSM students have low level of personal discipline. So, they seldom follow the time schedule that they had made themselves. In addition, they also seldom follow the time that plan by lecturer in the course outline. They fail to notice the several important weeks that cause late submission. Furthermore, most of the FPPSM students feel stress and cannot concentrate in the lecture room. They suffer stress because they do not manage their time properly. The students may not have skill to manage theirs. So, they will feel stress when they cannot finish their assignments or study on time. As a result, they will sacrifice their sleeping time to finish all their work. These are all the reasons why the research emphasizes on time management among FPPSM students. 1.3 Purpose of the Study The purpose of research is to investigate the awareness of FPPSM students about the importance of time management. This study will lead students to understand more about time management and inquire into the importance of time management to their academic performance. From the research, relationship among the effectiveness of time management and academic performance can be identified. Besides that, the research will survey the method used by successful students and explain how the successful students manage time in order to balance their studying time and extra-curricular activities. By conducting this research, FPPSM students may get more detailed information about how the successful students use their time wisely among school activities and their personal life or social life. The research may identify the ways of FPPSM students used to release their stress by using leisure time. Usually, an effectiveness time management through leisure activities can help to overcome the academic stress. Stress is indirectly affected to the academic performance. The research will analyze the life style of FPPSM students and students may learn the importance of balance their study life with leisure time. It helps to release stress and make the study become more effectiveness. The research expected bring awareness toward students to maximize their time and make them used the time more wisely. 1.4 Objectives of the Study The objectives of this study are: To investigate the effectiveness of time management on the academic performance of FPPSM student. To investigate the difference between the successful students and other students in time management. To determine the number of students with proper schedule planning. 1.5 Research Questions How effective is the time management against FPPSM student academic performance? What are the differences between successful students and other students on time management? How many of FPPSM students have proper schedule planning? 1.6 Significance of the study The finding of this research will help FPPSM students to manage their time wisely by knowing which items they need to pay attention to. Assignments that are due or revision for an upcoming test will be important. In addition, the finding will enable the students to lead a more balanced life by helping them find the time and energy to devote to all the important areas of their life. Besides, students who are under stress caused by work load pressure can be easily avoided with the help of time management. Work will complete on time and their stress level will stay at a normal range and leave a positive effect on their health. 1.7 Scope This research will be conducted in Faculty of Management Human Resource Development(FPPSM) the respondents are the first, second and third year of Human Resource Development, Management Technology, Marketing, Accounting, and Industrial Psychology students. The respondents are 50 students from FPPSM between the ages of 19-25 years old and they were selected randomly. The questionnaires were distributed on the 3rd and 4th February 2010. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Definition of Time Management First of all, this part of research will start by introducing the definition of time management. Clarke stated that time management is a system, set of tools and skills that when combined will help you to gain more out of your allocated time and also let you be able to use your time to accomplish what you want and what you need to accomplish. In addition, time management is the control and focus of a persons actions to making everything do fit into specific durations and schedules, and try hard to make that fit happen, whether or not our tasks can actually be accomplished at that time. As we know time management is life management. It is the core skill around which everything that you do revolves around. It can be said that the quality of your life will be determined by the quality of your time management. Time management is really the external demonstration of self-discipline in your life. The most valuable thing human beings have are time. We can always get more money but once we spend our time it is gone forever. Firstly, to be a successful student they need to realize how valuable time is and then they need to understand the principles if they are going to manage it effectively. (Time Management) In addition, time management includes your day-to-day activities as well as your long term future wants and goals you have set for yourself. Some skills included in time management are planning, goal setting, managing your task or scheduling things you need to get done or would like to do. A diary is a very useful tool to help student manage their time wisely. In a diary they can schedule their planned things to do ahead of time by knowing what they need to pay attention to such as assignment and revision for an upcoming test. However, improve of time management skills is essential for student to reduce their stress and anxiety which comes from their university life. 2.2 Effectiveness of Time Management on the Academic Performance of FPPSM Student. According to Dozier (2008), with appropriate time management, students will be able to have more accomplishment. He also stated that the benefits of time management. College students will be able to live an ordered life with more extra time. Besides, college students will be able to reduce physical stress and avoid procrastination. According to the study of Ohio University from Karpinski (as cited in Kok and Teo, 2009) result of academic will be influenced if someone spent too much time online. Two hundred and nineteen of Facebook users were investigated by a research and find that undergraduates had grade point averages around 3 to 3.5 is a Facebook users On the other hand, students can get the higher GPAs if their less involve in Facebook. The same situation will occur if student addicted in playing game. If students can manage their free time or leisure time well, maybe it can avoid their result from getting bad. Someone will forget to do revision if he or she playing game without control. Student who addicted in game even be talk to study but he or she maybe always thinking about their game. It will totally jeopardize their performance in school and social relationship. The research paper by Ranjitamisra and McKean (2009) investigated the inter relationship among academic stress, anxiety, time management and leisure satisfaction among 249 university undergraduates by age and gender. The results have shown that females experienced higher self-imposed stress and more physiological reactions to stressors than males. They are managing their time more efficiently than males. From the results, we can find that time management has strongly correlated to academic stress. In addition, state anxiety had a greater association with reactions to stressors than trait anxiety. Besides, we also find that leisure activities will typically reduce academic stress. In the research titled Total time and efficient time management, Study, Study combine to Test, and Rest programming are the factor inherent that will affected to learning and retention (Izawa, 1999). From the research, time management may affect the effectiveness of learning process. Besides, according to Weissberg et al. (as cited in Schumm, 1992), time management is important to most of the undergraduate students and it becomes their primary personal need to make the learning process be more effective. College students are burdened by coursework, assignment, part-time jobs, and extracurricular activities. The time management skill is a method to improve undergraduate students self-control. Briton Tesser (as cited in Schumm, 1992) found that there is a relationship among student self-report and their grade point averages. 2.3 Difference between the Successful Students and Other Students in Time Management. There was several view point from expert about become a successful students by managing time wisely. Apps (1990) stated that methods of successful students are used to manage their time. The students are blocked to learning mainly cause by time-stealers. Time stealers means that we do not have awareness when time flying. Time stealers include procrastination, unclear priorities, daydreaming, frustration and anxiety. On the other hand, successful students are time savers and time makers. Time savers means that save other time by eliminating the time-stealers. Time-savers include time inventory, weekly time plan, monthly calendar, to-do list and saying no. Then, time-makers refer to gain more time in life. Time makers include working more efficiently, using spare moments effectively and storing time. (Apps, 1990) According to Rochita (2009), many college students find it hard to balance their time with study and other social activities. Most of them are distracted by social activities and unable to cope with the study. So, college students need to manage or organize their time to maintain their CGPA. Firstly, they can go to a quite place to study instead of study in the dorm. It is because students may be distracted by their roommate. Then, college students should stay organized by writing down all the planning in a planner or notebook. In addition, college students should keep a to-do list above their desks to know what they are supposed to do every day. Lastly, college students should get rid of the clutter. Furthermore, Grabmeier (2009) discussed about the effects of procrastination. Lack of quality of work is one of the effects. It will also lead to students academic performance and the most important is students work does not accomplish before due date. Besides, Grabmeier also suggested some ways on how to become a successful student. From the research conducted by Britton Glynn (as cited in Schumm, 1992), ninety freshmen were surveyed using an instrument that included items related to choosing goals and sub goals, prioritizing goals, generating tasks and subtasks from the goals, listing the tasks on a to-do list, scheduling them, and then carrying them out. In the article, it stated that short-range planning, time attitudes and long-range planning are playing roles in college students academic performance. In order to become a successful college student, short-range planning and time attitudes are important to the cumulative grade point average. From this article, an effectiveness time management may be one of the factor affect to their academic performance. 2.4 Number of Students with Proper Schedule Planning. Ex-Ramapo students return for panel discussion with Class of 2010 which report by Loffredo (2010) discussed about, students need manage their time well. For example, balance study time, socializing, entertainment and sport to keep healthy life. Maybe students can finish their work in right time without do until night or finish last minutes. If students finish their work in early time, maybe mistake can be reducing. It can help student get the good mark in assignment. Besides, from the article Students learn to manage time from University Counselling Centre sponsors programme to help students succeed and learn to manage time. The author of this article is Jackson, (2004) claimed that student need to manage their time in study and socializing. This is because students can improve their relationship between friends. Daily schedule is needed to manage their time more effectiveness. Stress maybe can be reduced if students have good time management. The more important thing will be done first before it is too late. According to Barnes (1992), an effective learning depends on self-awareness. The awareness of students may affect the effectiveness of study and directly give effect to the academic performance of students. A research conducted by Maddox (as cited in Barnes, 1992) explained that studying in the afternoon is more efficient than studying at midnight. A proper time management may reduce students hour of studying. Besides that, a good time management could hinder the unnecessary things from consuming more time. The unnecessary things may cause time being wasted. Time management should be measurable. Students may manage their study by including appropriate time for leisure. Students should learn to indentify and list the priority things. Based on Barness opinion, time planning is useful and should be a guideline but should also be flexible. The flexibility of time management allows us to deal with the unexpected things. Then, Hirsch (2001) stated that life is what happens when you are making other plans (p.102). It means life is full of unexpected events that can interfere with carefully planned schedules. While some interruptions can be avoided by planning activities to make sure each activity are done properly, other things could come up unpredictably. However, no schedule will work all the time. 2.5 Past Research This research choose the researches of A comparison between the Time-management Skills and Academic Performance of Mature and Traditional-entry University Students conducted by Trueman and Hartley (1996) and How Business Students Spend Their Time Do They Really Know? conducted by Tanner and Maples as the references to conduct this research. The respondents of the research of Trueman were all the first-year students of psychology at Keele that were 293 students (Trueman, 1996). On the other hand, the respondents of the research conducted by Tanner were 212 business major students (Tanner Maples For our research, there will be 50 respondents from the Faculty of Management and Human Resource Development (FPPSM), UTM. The research conducted by Trueman (1996) focused on the relationship between time management skill and the first year students with different ages while the research conducted by Tanner Maples et. al focused on the awareness of business students spending their time. However, our research focuses on how FPPSM students manage their time and it includes first, second and third year students. The research instrument used by Tanner (1996) was logbook. The students were asked to record the time they spent for each activity for a period of one week. However, the research instrument that our group used is questionnaire and interview. From the research conducted by Trueman (1996), he found that the older mature students (aged more than 25 years) had a better time management skills than traditional-entry students (aged less than 21 years) and borderline mature students (aged 21-25 years). In addition, female students have a better time management skill than male students. However, our research does not study these aspects. Furthermore, the research showed no differences between time management skills and academic performance. However, our research will to study the relationship between time management and students performance. From the research conducted by Tanner and Maple, he found that technological distraction caused business students scarified their study time without realizing it. So, our research will determine the number of students who have proper schedule planning. The past research helped our group to have an idea of how to conduct our research and as a guideline for our research. CHAPTER 3 3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This section discusses the methodology of the research. The main purpose of the research is to investigate the awareness of FPPSM students about the importance of time management. The respondents are 50 students from FPPSM. Data for the research will be extracted from the questionnaires and also through an interview session. 3.2 Research Instruments In this research, two methods of research instruments had been chosen to gather the primary data. These instruments are questionnaire for quantitative research methodology and interview for qualitative research methodology. A set of 50 sheets of questionnaire containing 18 questions where all of the questions are closed-ended or open-ended questions (Appendix A). There are different types of questions to be asked such as likert-scale questions, listing/choice questions, ranking questions in the questionnaire. In this study, the questionnaires were distributed to 50 respondents who are students from FPPSM. Students from FPPSM were selected to answer sets of questionnaire. The qualitative data for this research comes from interview. We are going to interview two students from FPPSM. One of the interviewee who is a member of Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP), and another interviewee is a student from FPPSM who CGPA below 3.5. In addition, we prepare a set of questions before the interview (Appendix B). The reason of choosing this method is a lot of important ideas or opinions that cannot be collected through questionnaires. 3.3 Respondents of the Study The respondents are from first, second and third year of Human Resource Development, Management Technology, Marketing, Accounting, and Industrial Psychology students from FPPSM. A total of 50 questionnaires were distributed to students at different courses and years in February 2010. A total of 50 students from FPPSM returned the questionnaires. The interviewees chosen were Ms Lai Yit Sien and another student who CGPA below 3.5.The reasons for chosen Ms Lai Yit Sien as interviewee are she can manage their study and extra-curricular well, and maintain her CGPA by obtained Dean List in past semester. Ms Lai Yit Sien is a third year student of Human Resource Development. She is a member of Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP). On the other hand, another interviewee is a second year student of Human Resource Development. Her CGPA is below 3.5. 3.4 Research Procedure A pilot study was conducted on 1st February 2010 to access the validity of the research instrument. This pilot study was done before we distribute the questionnaires. Each group prepared five sets of questionnaire and distributed them to other group randomly for pilot test purpose. During the actual study, the questionnaires were distributed to the FPPSM students who are first, second and third year of Human Resource Development, Management Technology, Marketing, Accounting, and Industrial Psychology students. Respondents were approached with an initial question of whether they have scheduling or planning activities for their daily life. All the questionnaires collected after the respondents answer the questionnaires. 3.5 Data Analysis To analyse the data, the data from questionnaire were calculated and entered into computer manually. Results were presented through frequency counts and other descriptive statistics. Graphs, tables, charts and etc. were used to provide a clear picture on the data analysis. Interview data were used to validate the data from the questionnaire. The data were transferred into writing form. CHAPTER 4 4.0 FINDING AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction This section discusses the finding and analysis of the research. The finding and analysis in this past will answer the research question of the research. Time management among FPPSM students can be identified through the section below. 4.2 Demographic 4.2.1 Number of Students from Each Course Figure A Distribution of Respondents Based on Courses Figure A shows the distribution of respondents involved in this research based on courses offered at FPPSM. There were 11 students from Bachelor of Science (Human Resource Development), 12 students from Bachelor of Management (Technology), Bachelor of Management (Marketing), and Bachelor of Psychology (Industrial and Organizational Psychology) each other. There were three students from Bachelor of Accountancy. Therefore, the total number of respondents was 50 students. 4.2.2 Year of Students Figure B Distribution of Respondents Based on Year of Students Figure B shows distribution of respondents involved in this research based on year of students. There were 34% of students from first year (17 students), 32% students from second year (16 students), and 34% students from third year (17 students). 4.2.3 Gender Figure C Distribution of Respondents Based on Gender Figure C shows the gender of FPPSM students involved in this research. There were 38 (76%) female respondents and the other 12 (24%) respondents were male. 4.2.4 CGPA Figure D CGPA of FPPSM students Involved in This Research Figure D shows that the CGPA of respondents in this research. 29 out of 50 students achieved the CGPA 3.5 to 4.0. Twenty students have achieved 3.0-3.49, and only one student achieved the CGPA 2.5 to 2.99. Furthermore, there were no students CGPA were below 2.5. 4.3 Relationship between Time Management and Academic Performance 4.3.1 Effective Time Management Figure E Frequency of Distribution in Surfing the Internet of Effective Time Management (extra-activities). Figure E shows the time spent by respondent surfing the Internet in a day. There were around 50 percent of the respondents spent less than three hours surfing the Internet daily and 30 percent of the respondents spent more than six hours surfing internet in a day. Surfing internet may be a way to help students to get the information about study and assignment. On the other hand, some of FPPSM students are addicted in surfing internet. Figure F Frequency of Distribution on the Elements of Effective Time Management (extra-activities). Figure F shows the frequency of distribution on the elements in effective time management. There are 25 out of 50 respondents agree that they have the habit of exercise at least once a week. Besides that, there are around 21 respondents agree that they go for shopping, watch movie and other entertainment at least once a month. There are a number of respondents that are about 35 percent of the respondents having entertainment at least once in 2 weeks. Entertainment like shopping and watching movie are the ways to help students to release stress. However, students should avoid having too much entertainment in their life because it may affect their academic performance. Figure G Frequency Distribution of Elements in Effectiveness Time Management (study). Figure G shows the time of revision that most preferred by FPPSM students. Majority of the respondents start their revision a week before examination. There were not more than ten percent of the respondents start their revision a day before examination. Elements Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strong disagree Do not procrastinate 25 22 2 1 Study time plan 13 23 11 3 Balance in social and study 15 22 12 1 Table A Frequency of Distribution on the Elements (study) of Effective Time Management. According to Table A, majority of the respondents that are more than 50 percents of the respondents agree that they do not procrastinate, having study plan, and able to balance both their social activities and study. 4.3.2 Non-Effective Time Management Elements Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Participate in social activities and neglect study 4 17 18 11 Time full of unnecessary socializing 8 10 21 11Table B Frequency of Distribution on the Elements of Non-Effective Time Management. From Table B, it shows the frequency distribution of elements in non-effectiveness time management among FPPSM students. There are 11 out of 50 respondents disagree strongly that they will participate in social activities even they know they should be studying, and their time full of unnecessary socializing. Generally, more than half of the respondents disagree that they will participate in social activities even they know they should be studying, and unnecessary socializing takes up too much of their days. The finding able to answer the research objective that effective time management affects academic performance. Based on the findings, there are around 60 percent of FPPSM students getting CGPA more than 3.5 and having effectiveness time management. This proves that there are a relationship between effective time management and academic performance. According to Figure E, F, and G, they show the frequency of distribution on the elements of effective time management in extra-activities and also study. There are more than 50 percent of the respondents able to balance their extra-activities and study. There is not much difference between the numbers of respondents that surf the Internet less than three hours per day and exceed six hours per day. Internet is the most important tool in students life. Students may surf the Internet for entertainment, social networking, or information searching. Besides that, most of the respondents have a habit in exercise at least once a week. Exercise is a way to release stress. Thus, they are able to perform well with healthy body and mind. It is because exercise can facilitate blood circulation. So, they are easy to memorize the note if fresh in mind. Self discipline is one of the elements of effective time management. According to the findings, most of the respondents do not procrastination to complete assignments. It is because they have good discipline in managing their time. Most of them can follow their study schedule. Therefore, they can do their tasks systematically to prevent last minute work. As a result, they can produce more perfect and less mistake assignments in order to get the higher marks for their assignments. Indirectly, it will improve their academic performance. According to Barnes (1992), an effective learning depends on self-awareness. The awareness of students may affect the effectiveness of study and directly give effect to the academic performance. Based on the findings, majority of the respondents have self-awareness. Therefore, they aware their own responsibilities as a student are to accomplish their assignments and get the good results. In order to fulfill their responsibilities, they always have time schedule to finish assignments on time. Therefore, marks will not be deducted by lecturer. The effectiveness of time management will improve the academic performance. From the findings, most of the respondents have study time plan and do revision a week before examination. It shows the respondents feel that organizing and planning their time to study and do revision is important to their academic performance. A proper time planning may reduce students hour of studying at midnight. A research conducted by Maddox (as cited in Barnes, 1992) explained that studying in the afternoon is more efficient than studying at midnight. Besides that, the students can choose the more suitable time for them to study. By having an effective time plan, respondents have sufficient time to study and understand the content of study. As a result, they can score better in the examination. 4.4 Difference between Successful Students and Other Students in Time Management Successful student(more than CGPA3.5) Other student (lower than CGPA3.5) 1. What is your opinion about time management? Way to manage time in daily activities Way to distribute time and comple

Saturday, July 20, 2019

America the Racist Tyrant Essay -- essays research papers

America the Racist Tyrant In "The Declaration of Independence," Thomas Jefferson shows the King of Great Britain acting as a tyrant to the colonies, and Jefferson declared America to be free from Britain. In the "Letter from Birmingham Jail," Martin Luther King Jr. writes to a clergyman logically analyzing criticisms while communicating to the public his arguments. Jefferson fought for freedom and right for America. King also fought for better civil rights for his black people. They both fought for their people, King however fought peacefully with white people, who in return were cruel. This comparing Jefferson's and King's fought for freedom, different skin color demonstrates racism causing unfairness to this day still exists because the fight for justice and rights still exist which calls for a social contract. Every single human being has a right to life, civil rights, and freedom. This is a right that Americans base their government on. Jefferson states that "all men are created equal" and man should naturally stand for every single person, no matter what color or sex they are. (53) Equality in all men however is untrue. Different race, religion or gender often causes conflicts between people. Conflicts results in discrimination against groups. This can be shown through King's fight for black's civil rights. Americans already have freedom and rights, however, the black people are still being looked down. For King and his people, they were treated without respect. The black people "have waited for more than 340 years for our constitutional and God-given rights."(217) The black people have waited silently while everyone else received their God-given rights. They are rights that everyone should possess; however, the black Americans did not because of their color. People are often judged according to the color of their skin. This judging of another person is often negative and is known as racism. America is known as the melting pot with all kinds of race living there. It is clear that no matter how big a melting pot, it can not contain all race mixed together. As a black man, King witnessed and experienced racism during the segregation period. People were "haunted by day and haunted by night by the fact that you are a Negro" shows that black people were being discriminated.(218) This judging and disrespe... ...or poor, strong or weak in rights to have freedom and justice. Just as Jefferson "has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of Government" (54). The colonies have also found equality between them and Britain by becoming an independent government. As King puts it "oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever" (222) people are forever fighting and yearning for freedom from justice. In conclusion, Jefferson demonstrates that by declaring independence, thirteen colonies have given themselves their rightful freedom. However, these freedoms were given mainly to the white. The black, like King, fights nonviolently hard to change the society and government slowly to receive the same justice and freedoms as the whites. When comparing the people in Jefferson's time and the people in King's time, it is surprising to see that they are both fighting for similar rights on the same grounds, yet King is fighting for it later when America already have the rights. This concludes that racism indeed plays an important role in our past and present as we try to be free from other judges.

Essay --

he views of masculinity have been ever changing in the past hundreds of years. At the beginning of the twentieth century when it came time for Canadians to World War One the government and recruitment officers took the approach of gender stereotypes to influence men to join up. â€Å"The war played an important role in the construction of gender, and the social roles of men and women† and the recruitment efforts of World War One used this to their advantage . Men were portrayed as tough, strong, and capable of defending the country. These beliefs were shown though the use of propaganda and other forms of recruitment efforts that were significant to gender dimension and notions of a man. These stereotypes of masculinity created a unified whole among men in the war, but seeing as women are equally capable of being soldiers it is questioned why predominantly only men engage in warfare. The answer can be simple, â€Å"the significance of men engaging in warfare lines is in the way that gender is constructed in war†. The role of the government and those promoting World War One efficiently vocalized the importance of the battlefield being a place where a man can show everyone he is capable of defending his country. â€Å"Ideal-typical notions of masculinity and femininity were key to this process† and although men and women may not always conform to the stereotypes of their gender, men are typically associated with strength, action and aggressing, comparing to the empathy and emotion of women. The use of masculinity within propaganda, the efforts of women using their femininity to promote enlistment and the unity formed among soldiers over sea all were factors that positively influenced masculinity among Canadian men. The trigger of the First ... ... ones son was the same view that was placed upon the mother. If a young man was uninterested, or refused to go to war his views were thought to be ones rubbed of onto him from his mother, and indefinitely a negative connotation would be carried around with her name. Masculinity is promoted within the home as most mothers â€Å"realize the need for [their sons to] sacrifice in service to the nation† in order to spread patriotism. The role of women within the war efforts was very important seeing as â€Å"in making a soldier the women must make a man and in making a man she conversely creates a soldier†. Because of the common gender stereotypes a mother as well most women generally promote bravery, strength and masculinity within the day to day lives of the men they know. These characteristics are easily transferrable to the ones needed to face danger and battle overseas.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Internet Safety and Young Children Essay -- essays research papers

In today’s times, it can be hard to know what you children may be doing on computer. It is sometimes upsetting and very scary to know that someone could be stalking your child without you or him ever knowing about it, until it’s to late. There are programs out there that monitor your child’s activities on the Internet. But where are they, how much do they cost and why aren’t they advertised more? There are a couple precautions that you can take at home, without spending any money, to help safe guard your child.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Children like the Internet. They like the convenience, fun, and activities they can do on the Internet. But how safe are they really? It all depends on you and your child. When a child enters a chat room, they expect to find someone that is their own age with their interests. They may even find someone that just seems like they truly are the â€Å"perfect† friend. But beware. Pedophiles and other undesirable people â€Å"fake† who they truly are. Your child comes to trust them, and maybe in time agrees to meet them. This can lead to really horrible and unforeseen outcomes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many programs out there that are designed to protect your child such as CyberPatrol and NetNanny. But remember that these mechanisms are not fail-safe, and may also exclude access to perfectly innocent material. There are also filtering features built into the popular web browsers that enable parents to limit access to only those sites tha...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

From PDAs to Smart Phones: The Evolution of an Industry in the Beginning

Even though PDAs had innovative and sophisticated product designs, companies failed due to several reasons. First, enabling technologies were not up to par and such features as wireless connectivity, greater processing power, longer battery life and replicating streamlined versions of office software compromised the performance and size of the PDA. Another reason was due to the lack of market awareness about the functionality and the future potential of pen-based PDA and the market was still undeveloped in terms of such technology. With the lack of publicity, how would the public see any use for a PDA? This was especially true for a generation that was not technologically driven as we are today. With a device more expensive than desktop systems, it seemed that without proper marketing the public would not understand the need for it. Furthermore, potential users were unsure of the PDA’s performance, compatibility and availability showing how companies failed to address user needs and did not focus on the type of consumer that would most likely buy such a device. In addition to these setbacks, Microsoft stalled the market acceptance of PDA technology when it announced it was planning on a making a PDA, but failed to follow through with it. It is obvious that companies producing PDAs could have developed successful marketing tactics to gain momentum and build a consumer base upon such publicity. However, it can be debated whether the PDA could of survived the emergence of the smart phone. Although many companies such as Momenta and GO failed in the PDA business, Palm proved to be the most victorious. The PalmPilot was successful because the product was fast, simple, and was available for less than $300. With the extinction of PDAS came the launch of the smart phone which created competition among such companies as Research In Motion, Motorola, Samsung, and HTC. However, in 2007, these companies were in for a major battle when computer giant Apple entered into the smart phone industry. Being late to the smart phone market proved in no way to be a disadvantage for Apple as the iPhone surpassed present smart phone models. specially with its integration of touch screen technology into smart phones. Apple was able to successfully enter into the industry when it did due to its well known and trusted brand. The company’s triumph can be measured by the success of its computers, computer software including iTunes, and iPods. The iPhone has been successful due to such features as its user interface, touch screen technology, applications, synchronization with iTunes, and its simplicity along. Apple has always been known for its innovation and the iPhone was proof of that. Overall, there seems to be increasing returns in the smart phone market as its consumer base grows; nevertheless, it is not likely that a single operating system as the dominant design as the cell phone industry produces a variety of different models that accommodate user’s preferences. Overall, the smart phone industry has gained the longevity and potential for further technological advances that PDAs failed to obtain demonstrating how the timing of a product’s entry into its industry is vital in the products success.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Taxation W/O Representation

The settlers strongly desired freedom and breakup from Britain once tax revenue without delegacy was oblige on them. The colonies struggled to earn their image in the Parliament of their mother country. They were morose bundle repeatedly and this caused huge issues for the colonists it was the complete grounds for the subverter War. Therefore, the demand for no taxation without delegation was the aboriginal force to make the States a overhearst Britain and it was likewise a symbolic representationic delegation for democracy.A first cause is the decisive reason to how some(prenominal) or to what conclusion on that pointfore, the uncomplicated cause for the revolutionary front man was the Statess demand for no taxation without standard. Taxes were forced upon the 13 colonies to gain money for Britain. After the Seven eld War, King George III issued the Sugar work on and the revenue stamp Act to simply urge forward revenue for the economy. These acts were impose d on the colonies without their intelligence information or representation. These acts drove the colonists to think for themselves and their experience rights.The pursuit for life, liberty, and property began, and drove the colonists strong desire for their representation. Although Britain repealed the Stamp Act due to the anger of the colonies, they created the declarative Act, which gave them complete rights to control taxation and anything in all cases whatsoever. Colonists of America relyd that their rights and liberties were solely taken away because they had no representation in the Parliament. more ostracizes and restraints to the taxes took place- although umteen serene approaches were attempted to the King for the representation of the colonies. The chromatic Branch Petition is an example- this was sent to the great power so they could be recognized and as represented. Instead of introducing a violent approach, this enabled the colonists to adjust their say in ho w they wanted representation- non freedom yet. This was one of the letters that were turned down(a) by the mogul-it was argued that America did have representation in the Parliament.This angered the colonists because they did non believe they had just representation due to the item that Britain was 3,000 miles away across the Atlantic sea and that it was almost impossible to them to be governed. Many began producing rhetoric speeches and poetry that certifyed their desire for independence and the anger that they were building up because they were turned down for their representation. A pamphlet call the commons Sense by doubting doubting Thomas Paine brought upon the ideas that they should have independence fromBritain and a republican government instead-this pamphlet became extremely prevalent and sold over 150,000 copies. The acts that did not take back proper representation led the colonists to boycott and think individually for their country-it was a primary source to the revolutionary movement including the Revolutionary War that ended with success of the Americans. These enabled the American colonists for desire for independence and a insulation from Britain after being repeatedly rejected. not only did they not have much of a representation, but Britain rarely include the colonies.This was called salutary neglect-where Britain tended to forget about Americca and not focus on them at all. Thomas Jefferson signed the Declaration of Independence in 1778, which was full of statements and reasons that justified why America should be classifyd- because they were rejected and still not represented properly. In this document it states that they relied on democratic consent of the governed. The imposed taxes without representation to America were a direct stab for democracy. This taxation without representation represents the core prize to independence and separation from Britain.Many documents and studies show that no taxation without representatio n is the primary cause for the revolutionary movement and is also a symbol of democracy. Document C introduces how the taxes are completely imposed without the Americas consent- and that it is denied because it is not fair to the colonies that fatiguet even get representation to their government. This proves that no taxation without representation enabled many letters and petitions to be sent to the king that angered the leaders and the other colonists because there is no consent of the governed.Document G-which is the Common Sense pamphlet explained above-is an example of the vex to independence and a symbol for democracy. It is discernible that they belong to different systems. This justifies how it is simply not possible for America to be right on represented. In conclusion, no taxation without representation angered the colonists and drove them to the revolutionary movement. It was the primary reason to motivate them and it was a symbol of democracy by forcing their desire to separate away from Britain and become their own government.